Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Pleased to introduce....

Cole William Swartz

Born October 16, 2012 at 5:04 PM
8 Pounds 15 Ounces
21 Inches

After a pretty uneventful attempt at an induction, 12 hours of Cervidil, and 6 hours of Pitocin with absolutely zero change or sign of labor - we were faced with the decision to keep trying or elect to have a C-Section. This was a really hard decision for us, we wanted to do what was best for all however I didn't want to make the wrong decision. Weighing all of our options, and with a some good advise from my OB, we choose to go ahead with the C-Section, and thankfully we did! 

Mr. Cole was transverse (facing the wrong direction - to the side instead of face down) and he was not engaged.  Which all meant that he more then likely wasn't able to fit through my hips and even if we tried we more than likely would have ended up having an emergency C-section instead of a scheduled one which in the long run I believe.  Side note: His head was in the 90th % for head circumference... that alone was enough reason for me to have a C-Section!

My C-Section was scheduled for 4pmSpinal wasn't nearly as bad as I expected... well once they realized I wasn't joking about needing more Lidocaine than the average person.  I also took after my mother and had extremely low blood pressure but thankfully the anesthesiologist was quick on his toes and they took care of it immediately.  Once they finished prepping me they allowed Matt into the room, at this point I was still completely scared but thankfully I wasn't feeling anything from pretty much my neck down!

Finally Matt and I heard the words we were waiting for (but at the time didn't know who they were talking to) "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" and our handsome little man was born! Unfortunately he was having some difficulty keeping his respiratory rate down - which more than likely meant he inhaled some amniotic fluid during his delivery.  The NICU doctor was a little optimistic that they would it would work itself out and he would be in our room later that night, that was not on Cole's agenda but more on that later.  We were able to finally hold him in the operating room and I was able to feed him in the recovery room.  Mom-mom was even able to have some one on one time with him before they moved me to my post-partum room and Cole to the Well Baby nursery to have a bath and another physical exam... to which would end in a NICU stay.

That's one proud Daddy!

Mommy's first time seeing her little guy.
First family Picture (I look horrible in this picture)
Mom Mom got to hold him before we were moved.

Monday, October 15, 2012

The day (or night) has finally come

So today I am offically 'overdue'! While Matt and I prepapre for what could be a long labor, many emotions are going through our heads, of'course Matt is staying 100% calm and you would think we were just going shopping or to dinner, I am starting to get a little nervous but more for the unknown of what this experince is going to be like.  I'm super excited to finally hold my little guy and start a new chapter in our book of life.

At 6pm tonight we will check into the hospital and start the induction process, lets hope its fast and easy!! Although something is telling me I'm in for an interesting labor.

Looking back at this picture I didn't realize how large I had actually gotten, thankfully it is all baby (well for the most part)

Thursday, October 4, 2012


Hard to believe we have had this little guy for 4 years!
He was only 45 pounds when we got him, at 5 1/2 months old.  Now at 4 1/2 years old  he is a 108 pound lapdog.
If anyone is looking for a dog don't forget to think about adoption before going to a breeder or puppy store.  He has been the best* puppy anyone could ask for.  And if you are looking for a lab don't forget Lab Rescue

Boy he doesn't know what is about to happen to his world - although we are going to do our best to keep his life as normal as possible...

-Amanda and Matt

*best as in an absolute handful and at times extremely expensive/best friend of the vet - but we wouldn't change it for the world.